The global pandemic has shifted the way we do business and affected all aspects of our day to day lives. Our work / life balance has brought on an entirely new meaning, intersecting in a way we’ve never experienced before. Adjusting to an ever changing world is something that we are dealing with on an almost daily basis.

From a sales standpoint, new customer constraints and priorities have highlighted the need to adapt the selling process - and to do so rapidly. With 96% of B2B sales teams now practicing remote selling (McKinsey), I’ve compiled a few tips and tricks to help you navigate this process and make the most of these trying times.

The more you give, the more you’ll receive

Trust is one of the most important factors in acquiring new customers. Getting to know your prospects, and their shifting needs, is more important than ever. Without the option of in-person meetings, it can be difficult to connect on a deeper level - but not impossible. Always lead with empathy and strive for meaningful conversations to get to know your prospects on a personal level. Not only will this help you determine their exact needs, but it will instill a sense of trust that will translate to lasting relationships in the long run.

Remember, content is king

When was the last time you reviewed your sales materials? With the ongoing rapid change, your content may have suddenly become outdated and no longer relevant to the current state. I’m currently changing up my content almost on a bi-weekly basis. Adapt your scripts, templates, blog posts, social media etc. to reflect a value proposition that makes sense to your prospect’s shifting needs. Be prepared, dynamic and ready to re-adapt your content strategy. Building a strong content foundation that is easily adaptable shows your prospects and existing customers that you are in it for the long haul and will be by their side no matter what comes next.

Get comfortable with social media

Find out where your customers spend their time. Many B2B sales decision makers leverage platforms such as LinkedIn to discover new solutions. It is crucial to get to know these platforms in and out. The great thing about social media is the ability to develop personal connections that go beyond the traditional ‘cold call.’ Leverage your existing networks to help you find new leads and make valuable introductions. Be creative and actively participate in groups, webinars, roundtables and other virtual events your prospects may be joining - you never know who you’ll meet.

While these times may be tumultuous, they also bring new opportunities for your organization to re-evaluate and strengthen its selling process. The changes and connections you make today may help you come out of this crisis even stronger than before.

At MixR, we’re always looking to connect with like-minded individuals and organizations. Don’t hesitate to reach out.


Brett Brewster

Head of Partnerships


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